The Swan Internship Program has been made possible by a generous bequest from long-time donors and Attean Circle members Hank and Freda Swan. Hank, who was a founding board member and leader in transitioning FSM to a staffed organization, had a desire for FSM to dream big with the projects we took on. He graduated from the University of Maine School of Forest Resources and spent his career in the forest industry.
To honor Hank’s life and passions, FSM launched the Swan Internship Program in 2019. The goal of the program is to introduce students to FSM’s land trust work through a range of professional experiences in conservation practices and field work. Thanks to Hank and Freda, FSM is able to provide students who are studying forestry and natural resources the chance to gain first-hand experience with a unique land trust and to learn about Maine’s forests.
Prior Swan Interns
2019 – Carlton Scott (UMaine)
2020 – Postponed due to COVID-19
2021 – Anna Fitch (UMaine)
2022 – Eli Forman (UMaine)
2024 – Cameron Harris (UMaine)